SAILS Library Network

SAILS is a cooperative system of public and school libraries in 60 communities in Southeastern Massachusetts of which the Mansfield Public Library is a member. Your SAILS card is accepted in any of the public libraries and you may request materials from other libraries to be sent to your home library or that which is most convenient. You may inter-loan items from school libraries but direct access is limited to their students.

You may search the SAILS catalog from home if you have an Internet connection Use the catalog from home as you would in the library. If you have a valid SAILS library card, you can even reserve books and check your personal record. If you choose an item which is checked in at an SAILS library, please call that library to confirm the item’s availability and ask them to hold the item for you before actually traveling there. Your card is accepted at all SAILS public libraries. There is no direct, walk-in access to SAILS school libraries but their materials may be reserved and sent to a public library for you to borrow. Keep in mind that school libraries are closed in the summer and on holidays.

Click here to go to the SAILS catalog and other on-line resources

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